Faith is the Evidence
Hebrews tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). So, faith is confidently responding when we believe in God for something that we cannot yet see. Even when we have no idea how this thing will come, we believe. But is faith believing based on nothing at all? Is it like magic, do we wake up believing?
The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). By the time we are saved, at some point previously, we probably heard the word of God, which led us to faith. We probably were shown the goodness of God, which leads to repentance (Romans 2:4). So, our faith was based on something. We have faith because we have the testimonies of people who saw Jesus with their own eyes, who walked with him and who saw him alive again after he died. When Jesus came, he performed many miracles and signs which caused people to believe in him. When Jesus was at the Passover, many believed in his name when they saw the miracles which he did (John 2:23). So again, it is based on something. Faith is not blind, but we believe because we have seen God’s faithfulness in our lives, in the lives of people around us and in the word of God. We believe because of people’s testimonies of God. We believe because we have heard from God ourselves.

The Centurion
Jesus said to the Centurion that he had not found such great faith in Israel. What a profound statement? The Centurion told Jesus that he knew that if Jesus just spoke the word that his servant, who was at home sick, would be healed. He told Jesus that he too (like Jesus) was a man who had authority. He knew that Jesus had authority and he believed that because of this authority, Jesus could heal his servant from afar (Matthew 8:5-13). This man understood the great authority Jesus had and so he believed. His faith was based on what he knew about Jesus.
The Woman with Issue of Blood
This woman had an issue of blood for twelve years, and she believed that if she just touched the hem of Jesus’ garment that she shall be whole. She knew that Jesus was great and powerful. She was not concerned about whether he would heal her or not. She somehow knew that he was so powerful that she just had to touch him to be healed. So, she touched his garment, and Jesus then told her to be comforted that her faith had made her whole. (Matthew 9:20-22). The Bible tells us that she had heard all the reports about him and perhaps all the miracles he had done (Mark 5:26). So, her faith in Jesus was based on what she had heard about him and what he had done.
The Canaanite Woman
The Canaanite woman came to Jesus, and she called him Lord, Son of David. This highlighted that she knew and acknowledged that he was the messiah, and she understood to some extent what this meant. She persistently begged him to help her. She seemed to be convinced that he was capable of freeing her daughter from a demonic issue. Eventually, maybe because of her persistence and faith, Jesus healed her daughter, saying that her faith was great. It is interesting to note that the people who got these kinds of comments from Jesus (that their faith stood out) were not the people of God.

The Disciples
Jesus heals a person from being oppressed by a demon when his disciples could not do it. After they asked him why they could not cast out that demon. He told them that it was because of their little faith. He told them that if they had faith, they could move mountains (Matthew 17:19-20). The disciples were witnessing Jesus’ power, but at this point, they did not believe that they could do it. Eventually, after he was raised from the dead, they did believe. The disciples believed because of what they saw Jesus do. When Jesus rose from the dead, then the disciples remembered what he had said to them, and they believed the scriptures and the word which Jesus had said (John 2:22). They would go on to do many miracles and signs in their ministry after Jesus left. God’s plan was set in such a way that we have eyewitness testimonies of His most incredible miracle of when he came back from the dead. Maybe part of the reason for this testimony was to build our faith, so that, we would not have doubts about who God is.
Now Jesus was our perfect example of having faith. He told the demons to get out, and they did, he told a tree not to bear fruit anymore, and it died, he told the lame man to walk, and he did and the blind to see, and it was so. Mark tells us that Jesus said, “Have faith in God”. He said whoever says to a mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for Him. And he said whatever we ask in prayer to believe that we will receive it and it will be ours. (Mark 11:12-14; Mark 11:20-25). Jesus came and demonstrated why we should have faith. He showed us who God is and how much He loves us. He demonstrated how to have faith. And so, because of this, we should be able to do what he said and have faith without a doubt in our hearts, and it shall be done.

Final Thoughts
So, our faith is based on who God is and the great legacy that His people left behind. The testimonies of how they fell but God was there to come through for them. The testimonies of the great and miraculous things that they have witnessed. The parting of the red sea, the plagues of great signs, miraculous healing and provision, being risen from the dead. We have eyewitness testimonies of the great power of God. We have seen it ourselves. How can we not believe? Remember it. Keep it in front your eyes. How great is our God!
Let us remember all that God is capable of and all that He has done and know that we can have great faith in Him without a doubt. Let us remember that He is faithful, and we can trust in Him with all that we are. Jesus told us that if we have faith and do not doubt, we can move mountains and whatever we ask in prayer we will receive. (Matthew 21:21-22).
So, let us have faith and do not doubt.
Without faith, it is impossible to please God. He that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of all that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

All photos were taken by Kyle or Vani. These photos are from the many adventures we have been blessed to experience together. We are so grateful for every blessing from God. No filters were used nor were the photos edited except for an occasional crop. We hope you enjoy.
4 thoughts on “Faith is the Evidence”
A very timely exhortation Vani. May God increase our faith as we purpose to walk with Him daily.
Be blessed!
Thank you!
The person who have never understood Faith, upon reading this blog will walk away with a very clear, very precise understanding of it.
Sometimes issues are made cloudy by the way they are presented. Thanks for presenting this topic so Clearly.
Thanks for that comment.