A New Creation
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old thing has passed away, and the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17). It’s the end of another year, but this year has been far from normal. I reflect on this, and even though it has been a challenging year, I think of the new creation that I am. I think of the hope that Jesus has given me.

When I was first saved, I became new in Jesus Christ. He has forgiven all my sins; it was the new chance no one else could have ever given me. I was on a downward path to the destruction of my soul, and He rescued me. He gave me a chance to turn around from my wicked ways and walk towards Him. Every day I remind myself of this truth, that I was already made new and given the greatest gift I could ever receive. I know I need this reminder because it’s easy to get caught up in the world and our everyday activities and forget this remarkable thing that we have.
God has given us the best gift we have ever and will ever get. It’s easy to get weary of new years and what it means. I see people making resolutions and starting new things, but that makes me wonder if we should strive to do these things all year round. Since we have been saved, our lives should have changed. It should change towards following Jesus and being obedient to the Father. We should be building our relationship with Him by talking to Him (prayer), by spending time with Him, getting to know who He is and what He wants of us (reading His word).

When we are saved:
- we are A new creation – our spiritual selves have been made new.
- we have A new season – we get to start over afresh.
- we get A new chance – we get to do it right this time and make right the wrongs.
- we have A new revelation – we begin a new adventure in learning about who is the creator of all. There is so much new to discover in the mysteries of God.
- we are opened to A new knowledge – we now discover the truth.
- we experience A new love – we are loved with real love, an unconditional love.
So, I want to acknowledge this every day of my life, not just at the start of a new year. I want to experience this each day. To start each day with a new desire to serve my Father better. To learn more about Him. To hear His voice. To obey Him. To experience Him anew and afresh.

All photos were taken by Kyle or Vani. These photos are from the many adventures we have been blessed to experience together. We are so grateful for every blessing from God. No filters were used nor were the photos edited except for an occasional crop. We hope you enjoy.
4 thoughts on “A New Creation”
I like that exhort of wanting to experience the joy of being a new creature in Christ every morning.
Thank you Vani for that reminder.
Thank you for the encouragement.
Glory says, “every day is a gift from God”, Scripture says, “His mercies are new every morning”.
This truth of having been made new, having been given a new start, the old having been done away!
Thank you Heavenly Father for erasing my PAST!
Thank you Vani…
Yes, truth!