About Me

I, Vani De Freitas, grew up in a Hindu household in a Caribbean country, living a very lost life. But as I look back, I know that God was calling to me through many persons who came into my life and shared the gospel with me in different ways. But I never answered His call until….
The final straw was when I met my husband at the University we attended. His character and life were impactful to me about Christ. I was being convicted by God. I accepted Christ as my Lord and saviour on Saturday, 8th October 2011, nine years ago, in an altar call. I felt like that alter call was for me personally. It was an awesome and amazing experience to know God called me personally from where I was, forgiving me and giving me a new life. And 8 days later, I was water baptized, identifying with Christ dying for my sins and being born again, forgiven and free.
I am a child of the Most High, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
I have decided to write this blog based on my own walk with the Lord and my bible study journey. As I work on my relationship with Him and I develop these blogs based on the bible, I invite you to join me in studying the Word. I do not claim that everything I write is interpreted correctly. I do not have any seminary training, I depend on the Holy Spirit as I study. I pray that God draws you closer to Him and that my blog is a blessing to you in some way.