Bowing to the Work of our Hands!!
When we think of idols, we think of religions that worship other gods. These are often gods which they have made with their own hands. We do not often think we can fall into that category, and it’s easy to dismiss it and say, “I’m not doing that” and pat ourselves on the back. But we need to look closer to make sure we are not making idols out of other things.
Isaiah 2:5-11
O house of Jacob,
come, let us walk
in the light of the Lord.
6 For you have rejected your people,
the house of Jacob,
because they are full of things from the east
and of fortune-tellers like the Philistines,
and they strike hands with the children of foreigners.
7 Their land is filled with silver and gold,
and there is no end to their treasures;
their land is filled with horses,
and there is no end to their chariots.
8 Their land is filled with idols;
they bow down to the work of their hands,
to what their own fingers have made.
Isaiah here speaks about Israel following the foreigners around them and bowing down to the works of their own hands. This nation experienced God’s miracles personally, and they knew what not to do, yet still, they were influenced by the nations around them and did what God told them not to do.
Are we falling into this trap? Are we influenced by the world and finding ourselves bowing to the works of our hands? Are we esteeming our accomplishments higher than we should? Are we forgetting who has even given us the ability to do all that we do? Our talents and skills come from God. Our ability to do great and wonderful things come from God. Our creativity and inventiveness all come from God. Every single achievement is a gift from God. Our very breath is a gift from God. If we wake up each morning with this in mind, we would bow down to God daily and be reminded that everything is nought compared to Him. Our accomplishments can be a good thing, but we need to put them in the right place and be reminded that they are only possible because of God’s favour and blessings upon us.
9 So man is humbled,
and each one is brought low—
do not forgive them!
10 Enter into the rock
and hide in the dust
from before the terror of the Lord,
and from the splendor of his majesty.
11 The haughty looks of man shall be brought low,
and the lofty pride of men shall be humbled,
and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day.
Our haughty (proud) looks will be brought low and humbled. So let us learn from the word. Let us learn from the past mistakes of God’s people and let us exalt God for everything because He is more than worthy, and we are nothing without Him.
4 thoughts on “Bowing to the Work of our Hands!!”
Thank you Vani for the reminder that we ought to examine our loyalty to Christ every day
We are nothing without him. Thank you Vani
Thank you