Do Not Be Anxious
We often find ourselves in anxiousness and worry. This is even more relevant now in these times of a pandemic. We are anxious about our jobs, our finances, our children, and so much more. But are we supposed to be anxious?
Children of God
When we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour, we become children of God (John 1:12; Rom 10:9-10). This new identity has given us the privilege of being heirs of God, along with Christ (Romans 8:17). If we are heirs of God, then what do we not have? Should we be anxious? We are given all that we need to live a godly life (2 Peter 1:3).
Food, Drink and Clothes
Jesus told us not to be anxious about our lives. We are not supposed to worry about what we will eat, drink or about what we will put on. He says that life is more than food and clothing. Jesus makes the most wonderful point that if the heavenly Father feeds the birds of the air, are we not more valuable than them. Jesus points out that being anxious can gain us nothing. Being anxious cannot provide any solutions. He says if God clothes the lilies who are alive for only a short time, who are we that He will not cloth us. God knows that we have these needs, and so we should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be provided (Matthew 6:25-33). So why are we anxious? Why do we lack faith in a Father who has proved to us time and time again that He will never let us down? Why do we often do the same as the children of Israel in the wilderness? The same people who saw God parted the sea, and then they cry about having nothing to eat (Exodus 14:26-29, Exodus 16:1-3). But maybe we need to remind ourselves over and over again. And the best way to accomplish this is to spend time in the word of God. Reminding ourselves of God’s great ability and His love for us.

The word of God tells us that all things work together for the good of those who love God (Romans 8:28). So why are we anxious when things do not go the way we plan or when things just go downhill. Do we forget that God is still in control? Do we forget that He has a bigger plan that we cannot see, and so we must trust Him no matter how it looks? How do we get to the point of such trust? We need to increase our faith, and again, how do we do this? By spending time in the word of God. Hearing the word increases our faith (Romans 10:17).
We should not be anxious for tomorrow, for Jesus said that sufficient is the day’s trouble (Matthew 6:34). We need to be focused on the present moment and know in the back of our minds that God has us covered. We can depend on Him for tomorrow, so we do not need to be anxious. Sometimes we can spend our time being worried about the future, and we miss out on the present. We miss the blessing of today. Let us not miss the blessing of today.
Paul says to rejoice and do not be anxious about anything (Philippians 4:4-7). This is not an easy thing to do. We go through troubles where we lose jobs, people die, we get sick, we get disappointed, and so we think we have much reason to be worried and anxious. But Paul says when we have troubles, we are supposed to turn to God with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. And we are to let the peace of God which surpass all understanding dwell within us. So, no matter what doubts may come, let the peace of God overcome every negative thought, every piece of worry and anxiety.

When we sin, we do not have to be anxious or worried. We have to be repentant, but we have hope in Jesus Christ, who has given us redemption and forgiveness of sins, according to the richness of God’s grace (Ephesians 1:7). So strive to not sin but if we do, repent and rejoice because of his mercy.
Doing God’s Will
We do not need to be anxious about doing God’s will. We do not need to be worried when we share the gospel because we know God chose us for His work so that we will bear fruit (John 15:16). We know that God is the one that saves, and we are only called to be obedient, and He will do the rest. God said, He formed us from our mother’s womb. He set us apart and has appointed us to be a prophet for others (Jeremiah 1:5). A prophet means that we are called to be the person in between God and the unsaved. We are to pray for them and carry their concerns to God in hope that it leads to salvation. We are to show them God’s love in every opportunity given. We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9). We are God’s handiwork, created in Jesus Christ to do good works (Ephesians 2:10). How can we be anxious about our abilities to do God’s work? It is His ability that powers us.

We should be Anxious
There are only two reasons I can think of that I should be anxious:
- If I am not saved, then I am in much trouble.
- If I am saved, but I am not seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
If we fall into these categories, we are to be anxious, and all these things said in the Bible does not apply to the unsaved. But the wonderful good news is that it is not too late. Accept him if you have not and ensure that you are in the position that you do not need to worry or be anxious.
And if you have fallen away from God and you do not seek the kingdom of God, again it is still not too late to rededicate your life to Him and make that move to seek Him and His kingdom. To do the job, God has appointed us to do. To be ministers of reconciliation to all of mankind (2 Corinthians 5:11-21).
So be a child of God, seek His kingdom and do not be anxious for anything.
Do not be anxious:
- Because we are children of God
- For our Food, drink or clothes
- When things go downhill
- For tomorrow
- When we face trouble
- When we sin but repent
- When doing God’s will
- Ensure that you are saved, so you have no reason to be anxious.

All photos were taken by Kyle or Vani. These photos are from the many adventures we have been blessed to experience together. We are so grateful for every blessing from God. No filters were used nor were the photos edited except for an occasional crop. We hope you enjoy.
8 thoughts on “Do Not Be Anxious”
I shall return to this blog every time I feel anxious or worried! Thank you Vani!
So great to hear.
So simple, so true, so profound. I often feel annoyed when I hear believers ever so often moaning and groaning about stuff that happens, is happening, etc.
I acknowledge that as humans there is a tendency to initially respond emotionally; fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, etc, but when ever God or his angel appeared to folks in the Bible and the person’s initial response was in fear, God or the angel’s first words would usually be fear not.
Thanks for this reminder that we can choose to not be anxious, we can choose to trust ourFaithful, Loving, Wise, Kind, Powerful, Miraculous Heavenly Father.
Well Said, Vani, Well said.
Thank you
Very inspiring piece my dear! Thank you for your insight. Bless God!
Thank you for your continued support.
Wow….what a timely message. I need to keep this message close for whenever I feel anxious. Great words of encouragement Vani.
So very happy to hear that. Thank you Natasha.