Elijah – A Great and Powerful Man of God
In this blog, I want to look at the life of Elijah and highlight some of the characteristics that made him so unique in the history of God’s people.
The Story of Elijah
The Drought
At the time of Elijah, Ahab was the King of Israel, and he did evil in the sight of the LORD (1 Kings 16:29-30). He did more evil than all the kings before him. He blatantly served other gods and dishonoured the one true God of Israel.
Elijah was obedient to God and delivered His message to Ahab. Elijah told Ahab that there would be no rain in the land for some years to come except by his words. Then the Lord told Elijah to hide in the wildness, and He would take care of Him. And God did take care of Elijah. He provided food and water and never faltered to take care of Elijah. Even the Ravens provided food for Elijah (1 Kings 17:3-6).
The Widow
There was a widow in Zarephath who God used to provide for Elijah. When Elijah met the widow, she had almost nothing, but she still gave him from it. Then God provided for her and her son for the entire draught period because of her faithfulness. Sometime after the widow’s son became ill and he died. Elijah prayed earnestly to God to bring him back. The Bible tells us that God listened to Elijah, and He brought the child back to life (1 Kings 17:8-24). This miraculous event was a testimony to the widow who recognized God for doing great things through Elijah.

God is the greatest
After three years of famine, God sent Elijah back to Ahab (1 Kings 18:1), and God told him He would send rain again. So, Elijah went to Ahab and called for a meeting with many prophets of Baal at Mount Camel (1 Kings 18:19). There Elijah, according to the word of God, made a great display of God’s greatness. He gave the prophets of Baal a chance to demonstrate the power of Baal. They called upon the name of Baal, but no one answered. Then Elijah prayed to God, and God demonstrated that he was God by a miraculous event. This made the people declare Jehovah as the true God (1 Kings 18:36-40). Then Elijah and the people put to death the prophets of Baal.
After that Elijah diligently prayed until he saw the signs of the rain. It took seven times of praying and watching before the sign came. The rain came after that just as God had promised (1 Kings 18:41-46). The Bible tells us that the hand of the Lord was on Elijah. God was with him, guiding him and using him.

Elijah Ran
When Jezebel, Ahab’s wife heard what Elijah had done, she sent a message to Elijah that she was going to put him to death. Elijah was afraid, and he ran for his life (1 Kings 19:1-4). In his distress, he told God that it was too much and to take his life (1 Kings 19:4). God had other plans for Elijah. God spoke to Elijah and told him what he had to do and said that all who bowed to Baal should be put to death. God told him that he should anoint Elisha to be a prophet in his place (1 Kings 19:8-18). God took care of Elijah and kept him safe.
Elijah Favoured
Ahaziah was the son and successor of Ahab, and he followed in his father’s footsteps and did evil in the sight of the Lord. Ahaziah fell and injured himself and sent to ask his false gods if he would recover. But the God of Israel sent Elijah to inform him that he would not recover from this fall. Ahaziah sent a captain and his fifty men for Elijah, and God destroyed them all. He sent another fifty, and the same thing happened. The third time, the captain came to Elijah and begged for their lives and so God sent Elijah with them back to Ahaziah. Elijah went under the covering of God and delivered the word of God to King Ahaziah. And God’s word came to past, as it always does, and Ahaziah died. (2 Kings 1)

Water Parted
Elisha now accompanied Elijah in preparation to take his place. Elisha knew that Elijah would soon be taken from him. Elijah gave Elisha several opportunities to leave him, but Elisha said that as long as he lived, he would not leave him. Then Elijah and Elisha came upon the Jordon river. Elijah took his clock and struck the water, and it parted so that they crossed on dry ground. Just as God had parted the sea for the people of Israel, God did the same for Elijah.
Elisha a double Portion
Then Elijah asked Elisha what he wanted before he left. Elisha asked for a double portion of what he had, and Elisha did get that double portion. When it was time for Elijah to go, he did not die but was taken up in a whirlwind into heaven (2 Kings 1:12).

The Character of Elijah
Elijah had much favour with God. He was obedient to God’s every request, and God listened to Elijah. Many people recognized the great power that God gave Elijah and had great respect for him. He was a well-known prophet of God (man of God). Elijah’s power was even mentioned in the new testament. The angel of the Lord visited Zachariah to give him the news of his son. He told Zachariah that his son John would go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn hearts unto God (Luke 1:17). Just as Elijah was the messenger of God who told the people to come back to God, so too did John the Baptist. So, not only did the people recognized the great power of Elijah, but even the angel of God proclaimed it.
James tells us that we can have what Elijah had. Elijah was a man like us, and he prayed fervently, and his prayers were answered many times (James 5:17-18). James tells us that the prayer of a righteous man has great power (James 5:16).
Elijah is a great example of an excellent servant of God. Can we accept the righteousness that Jesus has given us and be like Elijah, where our prayer has great power? Can we be obedient, willing to do God’s work, diligent in prayer, spend time with God in His word and trust Him completely, no matter what the circumstance? Let us strive towards the mark of the high calling of the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:14).
- Elijah was a man of God, a prophet of God.
- God spoke to Elijah directly.
- Elijah was obedient to God.
- Elijah trusted God.
- God listened to Elijah.
- Great miracles happened through Elijah.
- People had great respect for Elijah.
- Elijah never died; he went up in a whirlwind.
- Everything that Elijah did was for God.
- Elijah had favour from God.
- We can be as favoured as Elijah.

All photos were taken by Kyle or Vani. These photos are from the many adventures we have been blessed to experience together. We are so grateful for every blessing from God. No filters were used nor were the photos edited except for an occasional crop. We hope you enjoy.
7 thoughts on “Elijah – A Great and Powerful Man of God”
Thanks for the message Vani.
Most welcome
I appreciate that you did not just highlight Elijah’s high points but his low points as well, showing him to be a real person. A man who questioned, feared, had doubts, yet trusted, believed God was obedient.
Thanks for the reminder that he was no different from us, as a human being and so we can accomplish similar things.
Amen, thanks for your comments, appreciate it
Vani, Vani, Vani. I appreciate your blogs so much. As I read this one, the passage that stood out the most to me was – “After that Elijah diligently prayed until he saw the signs of the rain. It took seven times of praying and watching before the sign came. The rain came after that just as God had promised (1 Kings 18:41-46). The Bible tells us that the hand of the Lord was on Elijah. God was with him, guiding him and using him”.
Sometimes we pray and ask God for things but it does not come as fast as we want them to and as humans, we tend to give up. This is a reminder for me to continue to seek God and trust in His word and His promises. Thank you
Amen, I am so glad for you comment. Yes a wonderful reminder. Continue to trust in Him no matter how it looks.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.