In the Wilderness
Israel spent forty years in the wilderness, and if we don’t look closely, it seems like a lot of wasted time. But God was purposeful in what He was doing. He was testing Israel and teaching them His ways. Israel failed God’s test, and we would have failed too if put in their shoes. But thankfully, Jesus came to save us and to show us that we can pass His test and be faithful and obedient to God.

Israel in the Wilderness
(Exodus 15,16, 17, 20, 24, 32)
After Israel entered the wilderness and journeyed for three days, they found no water for three days. The people grumbled with Moses about this, but God was faithful, and He provided (exodus 15:22-25). Then the scripture tells us that the Lord tested them (Exodus 15:25-26). They were to diligently listen to the voice of God and do what is right in His eyes. But they did not listen.
Later on, when they needed food, the people grumbled again against Moses, Aaron and God claiming they would die of hunger (Exodus 16:2-3). But God was faithful, and He miraculously provided (Exodus 16:4). When God provided the manna for them, He again said that He would test them whether they would walk in His instructions (Exodus 16:4). The people were instructed only to gather a day’s portion. Remarkably, the ones who gathered much were left with nothing, and the ones who gathered little had no lack (Exodus 16:18). They were told not to leave any over for the next day, but they did not listen, and by the following day, it bred worms and stank (Exodus 16:19-20). And God told them that on the seventh day, there would be no manna to gather as it is the sabbath, yet still, some did not believe God’s word, and they went out to gather (Exodus 16:26-27). In their actions the people continued to show that they did not believe God’s instructions but He continued to provide this manna for them for the forty years faithfully.
Again, the people complained that there was no water and claimed that Moses brought them out of Egypt to kill them. They did not believe God (Exodus 17:1-3), but He had mercy and brought forth water for them again.
Then God gave the people His commandments, telling them what they should and should not do (Exodus 20:1-17). And when the people heard God in the thunder, they trembled with fear and did not want God to speak with them. And Moses told them that they did not have to fear for God has come to test them and that the fear of Him may be before them so that they will not sin. But the people still stayed far off (Exodus 20:21).
God gave them the commandments, and they all agreed they would do all the words that the Lord had spoken (Exodus 24:3). Then Moses went up to the Lord in the mountain for forty days and forty nights (Exodus 24:15-18). And while God was giving Moses more instructions for the people, the people became impatient and sought other gods to worship (Exodus 32:1-6). The same god of silver and gold that God told them they were not to worship is what they wanted. They had just promised they would obey God, and they knew that Moses went to God, but they became impatient and failed the test and did what God said not to do. The people sinned against God, and the consequences were great. They were called to wait forty days and forty nights on God, and they failed that test. They failed God.

Jesus in the Wilderness
(Matthew 4:1-11)
We are not far from the Israelites, and when given these tests, we would so easily fail. But Jesus came to redeem us from our sins, and he showed us that it is possible to pass such tests and to be faithful to our father no matter what may come.
Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after forty days and forty nights, Jesus was hungry and then he was tested. But Jesus resisted every attempt of the devil. Jesus used the word of God to combat and disprove all that the devil had to say. Jesus knew God’s word, and he knew the truth so that the devil could not deceive Him.
He said that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God – yes, we live by the word of God. It is life itself.
He said that it is written that you should not test the Lord your God – We need to believe in who God is and not doubt. If we truly know who our God is and how much he loves us, we will never want to test him.
He said it is written that you shall worship the Lord, your God and Him alone shall you serve. – And yes, we are only to serve the one true God of everything.

The Israelites in the wilderness were being taught God’s word. They were being taught what to do and what not to do, but they choose to believe the doubts and lies in their minds and return to their old ways. And even though they said yes to God at the moment, when the test came, they did what he said not to do.
We too have been rescued from being oppressed by the prince of this world just as Israel was rescued from Egypt’s oppression. And we too have said yes to God, we have accepted His gift and we have agreed to live by His ways. However, when the test comes will we pass? When things get difficult will we forget what God has done for us and return to our old ways and run back to the oppressor? Will we be like Israel or will we follow Jesus?
Can we pass the test?
Can we step up when the circumstances are difficult, and we become vulnerable?
Do we know God’s word so that we can use it against the enemy?
Can we disprove the lies in our minds with the truth of God’s word?
Do we believe God and what He has said to us?
Do we know who He is?

All photos were taken by Kyle or Vani. These photos are from the many adventures we have been blessed to experience together. We are so grateful for every blessing from God. No filters were used nor were the photos edited except for an occasional crop. We hope you enjoy.
6 thoughts on “In the Wilderness”
Fantastic Vani, Well done, again
May God help us as we strive to live for Him in this dark world.
Thank you Vani!
Thank you.
Beautiful piece Vani….thanks much.
Thank you