King David
When Samuel anointed David to be King, the Spirit of God was with him from that day forward (1 Samuel 16:13). Even Saul recognized that the Lord was with David (1 Samuel 18:12).
David is one of the people in the bible whose story is told in great detail. There is much that God wants us to recognize about David. So, I decided to look at David a second time and see what the Holy Spirit wants to teach me here.
David’s Significance
God promised David that He would raise up his offspring who would come after him and that his house and his kingdom shall be established forever before the Lord (2 Samuel 7:11-16; 1 Chronicles 17:11-14). So how was David significant? God sent his son, Jesus, to be born into the line of David, establishing his kingdom as God’s kingdom forevermore. So, David was not just chosen to be a King to the Israelite people back in some ancient time, but he was used for so much more by God. David was a wonderful example of a servant of God that even with all the power in this world, he trusted God. He made many grave mistakes, but he knew God was (and still is) a merciful God. And so, when he made mistakes, he felt great remorse. He repented and asked for God’s forgiveness. David often relied on God for strength, help, recuse, guidance and protection. David is such an exceptional example of a good child of God.
God’s Favour Upon David
David believed in God and had much reverence for Him from a very early age. David demonstrated this when he was a shepherd, and when he was on the battlefield. He was not afraid of the lion, bear or the giant Goliath. He knew that God was with Him and continued to walk with that truth. David prospered in all that he did when he walked according to God. He found favour with King Saul (1 Samuel 16:22). Johnathon, King Saul’s son, loved David and saved his life. David was obedient and behaved wisely in his ways, and he gained acceptance in the sight of the people (1 Samuel 18:5; 1 Samuel 18:14). And all of Israel and Judah loved David (1 Samuel 18:16).

Saul vs David
God chose David as King and rejected Saul (1 Samuel 15:10-11). The following shows the contrast between Saul and David and suggest why God chose David.

While Saul was arrogant, jealous, sought after his own interest and did not walk according to God’s ways, David sought after God. God rejected Saul as King and chose David to take his place. David trusted in God’s power and ability, and this is shown by his victory with Goliath. David trusted God and gained great recognition as a soldier in battle. The people began to love him even before He was King (1 Chronicles 11:1-3). As a king, David worshipped and sought after God. Even with his great power, as King, he did not depart from God.

David’s Heart Poured out in Psalms
David often found himself in dangerous situations, where he was running to save his life. Just before he was anointed to be King, the current King, Saul, wanted to kill him, and this was his prayer. “Psalm 59:1 – Deliver me from my enemies …” But what stands out is the fact that David is in grave danger, and his response is to turn to God. He asks God to save him, but he also praises God, reminding himself and us of who God is. “Psalm 59:8-17 thou O LORD shall laugh at them (enemies) …for God is my defence…but I will sing of thy power, I will sing aloud of thy mercy…Oh, my strength.”
Psalm 34:1 – David starts this psalm by saying that he will always bless the LORD and God’s praises shall continually be on his mouth… Such a great reminder of the posture we should take at all times, even in times of great despair and threat. Psalm 34:8-14 David says to taste and see that the LORD is good, blessed is the man that trusts in God. He says to fear thy LORD, for there is no want for them that fear the LORD. He goes on to say depart from evil, do good, seek peace and pursue it.
When David was first anointed as King, he was King only over Judah. Sometime after David become King over all of Israel and then David made Jerusalem the nation’s capital. He moved the ark of God there, making the capital of the city the centre of worship. Signifying how David, even as the King, made God the most significant part of the nation. (2 Samuel 5:1-5; 1 Chronicles 11:1-3; 2 Samuel 6:12-16). He was an admirable example for his people. A great King.
Don’t you want a heart like David’s for God? We all should. These are just the significant things that stood out for me with David but there is so much more to David. I encourage you to read his story and see what the Holy Spirit has for you.
Here are some references to start with:
- 1 Samuel 15-29
- 2 Samuel 1-24
- 1 Kings 2

All photos were taken by Kyle or Vani. These photos are from the many adventures we have been blessed to experience together. We are so grateful for every blessing from God. No filters were used nor were the photos edited except for an occasional crop. We hope you enjoy.
4 thoughts on “King David”
Thank you for sharing Vani. God continue to shower you with His love!
So grateful for you support and encouragement
I especially admire the end of “David’s Significance”, how you describe him as “a good child of God”. That jumped out at me as I read it.
Thanks for sharing these perspectives and the challenge to your readers, to see what we gain from his life’s story.
So awesome to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks