Our Authority in Jesus
We have been saved by grace through faith. It is not of our own doing, but it is a gift of God (Ephesians 2:8; John 1:12). And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:6). We are now in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:13) and given the privilege of the son of the King. We have been elevated from nothing to the privilege of being with the Father. He has delivered us from darkness to the kingdom of his beloved son (Colossians 1:13). And all of this gives us the authority of the children of God. But what is this authority?
Rule the Earth
The original intention was for us to fill the earth and rule over it. We were given the authority to run things on earth as we saw fit (Genesis 1:28). What great confidence God had in man to give him such a great task. But man chose a different path, and this caused the whole of mankind to become cursed. Man fell from his position. Now the entire focus of the story has changed. It is now about bringing us all back from the curse into blessing again. Jesus has already done the most challenging part; he has paid the price for the curse, but we need to choose to accept this gift from Him. And when we do, we are given authority.

Our Authority
Jesus told us that whoever believes in Him will also do the works that He did and will even do greater works than these (John 14:12). Jesus healed the sick, cast out evil and raised the dead. Jesus told the disciples to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers and cast out demons (Matthew 10:7-8). He gave the disciples authority over every affliction (Matthew 10:1; Luke 9:1-2; Luke 10:9; Luke 10:17-20). Jesus said that He will give us the keys to the kingdom of heaven and whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19). The giving of the keys implies that Jesus has given us so much authority. Authority to move things on earth and in heaven. The Bible tells us that those who believe will cast out demons, speak in new tongues, heal the sick, pick up serpents and drink poison and will not be harmed, all in the name of Jesus (Mark 16:17-18).

Authority has a Purpose
However, we are given this authority and power so that we can effectively proclaim the good news to the poor, declare liberty to the captives, recover sight to the blind and free those who are oppressed (Luke 4:18). The Bible tells us that we received power when the Holy Spirit comes unto us when we are saved, and by this, we can be successful witnesses to all, everywhere (Acts 1:8). Jesus told the disciples that all authority is His and He tells them to go and make disciples, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that He has commanded (Matthew 28:18-20).
So, this authority is not just a superpower given to us to do as we please for any purpose. But it is power given to us for the great commission. We are supposed to use these powers to make disciples, to tell of the good news, to witness to people about the great God that we serve so that they will accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour and walk into the kingdom of God.
Many times, we see miracles from God, but we often do not see the same power that was displayed when Christ walked the earth. We seldom see people raised from the dead, but why? Only God knows the answer to this question, and sometimes it is just not His will and plan. But I wonder if it is our intention behind using this authority that makes it ineffective. I wonder if we are not living for the great commission as are supposed to. We are not letting it be our first mission and focus. Maybe when we pray for healing, we are not wholeheartedly desiring this for the right reasons. Do we desire this so that someone will be saved, so someone will see this miracle and be totally convinced that God is real? So that they will believe that Jesus did come and that it is the same power that raised Him from the dead that is still at work in us today.

Use the Authority for the Great Commission
Again, only God knows the answer to this, but I know it is good to reflect and examine our hearts to know if our desires are in the right place. Do we desire to live a happy life here on earth with our family and friends or are we deeply concerned for the people around us who are still not saved and are walking the path that leads to eternal torment?
If we love God so much, should we not be concerned about His concerns? Then we should have a heavy heart for the unsaved, and this should direct all that we do. Yes, we are to live life here, to work and take care of our families but can we do this where the main focus and the most important mission is showing the love of God to the unsaved in the hope that they will come to God. Can everything that we do be informed by this truth? When we use this great authority that God has given to us, can this be used for the purpose it was meant, to show everyone the great and wonderful God that we serve?
So, let us use this authority given to us to display the great God that we serve so that all can see Him.

All photos were taken by Kyle or Vani. These photos are from the many adventures we have been blessed to experience together. We are so grateful for every blessing from God. No filters were used nor were the photos edited except for an occasional crop. We hope you enjoy.
5 thoughts on “Our Authority in Jesus”
Thank you Vani. May our hearts be more in-tuned to doing the will of God as He directed us, go into all the world and preach the gospel.
May the love of God continue to enlighten you as you study His word.
Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement.
What can I say? Truth speaks for itself and you have delivered amazing truth once more. Those questions are really important for us to ask ourselves.
Thanks for the wake up call
Thank you for the continued support and encouragement.
Thanks Vani for the word of God and the thought provoking questions. You are indeed a servant of God, continue to spread his truths. May God continue to use you. Much love.