The Faith of Daniel & the Hebrew Boys
Daniel was chosen because he was skilful in wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding and learning (Daniel 1:4). Daniel (also called Belteshazzar) was one of four young men who were called by King Nebuchadnezzar to be taught in the literature and language of the Chaldeans. The others were Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah (also called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego respectively). They, along with Daniel, all belonged to the tribe of Judah (Daniel 1:6). It was clear from the text that they all served God faithfully.
The sins of the kings and the people of Israel resulted in God allowing other kingdoms to capture them. In the time of Daniel, Judah (one of the 12 tribes of Israel) was captured by Babylon under King Nebuchadnezzar’s reigned.
Daniel Purposed in his Heart to Obey God
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah were brought to potentially stand in the king’s palace to serve the king (Daniel 1:4). They were supposed to be given the same food that the king ate, meaning the best food and drink. But Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself by eating the king’s food which was against the laws of God. The steward who gave them food was concerned that they would look unhealthy after eating only vegetables and drinking water (which Daniel requested). Daniel convinced him to try it for a while and told him if they looked less healthy after this diet, then he could deal with him as he saw fit. After some time, the steward was surprised to see that they looked healthier and larger than others who ate the unclean food (Daniel 1:8-15). Daniel’s choice demonstrated his faithfulness to God. He was determined not to disobey God’s law, regardless of the consequences.
Are we willing to make choices like this in obedience to God?

The Faith of Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah
King Nebuchadnezzar created an image of his God and commanded that all the people in the land bow down before this image. Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah choose not to do this as it was against the law of their God. When the king threatened to throw them in a furnace of fire, they still refused. They said that their God was able to deliver them and that He will deliver them out of the hand of the king. Their words demonstrated what great faith they had in God. They also said that even if they were not delivered, they would not serve any other god. It was more important to them to obey God than to save their own lives.
They were thrown into the fire, and even the persons who threw them in, died, but they did not. King Nebuchadnezzar was surprised to see them walking around in the fire. He then told them to come out, and they were untouched by the fire. The bible tells us that they did not even smell of fire. God saved them from being burnt alive. Their faithfulness was rewarded greatly. After seeing this miracle, King Nebuchadnezzar blessed the God of Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah and promoted them (Daniel 3).
Do we believe in God this much? Are we this committed to God? What are we willing to put on the line for God? Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah put their lives on the line for God.
God positioned Daniel
God gave Daniel and the others skill in all literature and wisdom. Daniel had an understanding of all visions and dreams. The king found these four young men to be ten times wiser than all the magicians and enchanters in all his kingdom (Daniel 1:17-20).
Daniel had Faith in God
The king had troubling dreams and called the wise men of his kingdom to interpret it. But not only did he want them to tell him the meaning, but as a test, they first had to tell him what he dreamt. But none of his Babylonian wise men could do this. The king then wanted to destroy all the wise men of Babylon. When Daniel heard this, he asked for a meeting with the king so that he could interpret the dream (Daniel 2:16). At that time, he told his friends to seek mercy from God so that he could be able to interpret the dream (Daniel 2:1-19). Daniel had great faith that God would come through.
Daniel Praised God
Then God gave Daniel the vision and Daniel blessed God:
“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
to whom belong wisdom and might.
21 He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding;
22 he reveals deep and hidden things;
he knows what is in the darkness,
and the light dwells with him.
23 To you, O God of my fathers,
I give thanks and praise,
for you have given me wisdom and might,
and have now made known to me what we asked of you,
for you have made known to us the king’s matter.” (Daniel 2:20-23)
Daniel turned to God and had faith that God would reveal all that he needed. He had so much faith that God would come through that even before asking God he requested to see the king. This was not a light appointment to make. The consequences were enormous. If Daniel went to the king and failed, it likely meant his death.

Daniel gave God Glory
After praising God for revealing the meaning of the dreams, Daniel went to the king. Daniel gave all the glory to God. He told the king that no man could do what he asks. But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries (Daniel 2:27-28, 30). He emphasized to the king that this mystery was revealed to him by God so that he could inform the king. The king was impressed by the interpretation and acknowledged that God was the greatest. Then the king honoured Daniel and promoted him. Daniel gained the respect of the king because of his faith in God.
Daniel Prospered
Daniel’s reputation preceded Him even after King Nebuchadnezzar. King Belshazzar, son of King Nebuchadnezzar, called Daniel for interpretation of a riddle when all the magicians in the land failed him. He was told that Daniel had an excellent spirit, knowledge and understanding to interpret dreams, explain riddles and solve problems. Daniel’s wisdom and knowledge came from God. Daniel did not do these things for riches. The bible tells us that he told King Belshazzar that he did not want the reward, but he would interpret the riddle. God used Daniel to translate these messages of warnings to these kings who dishonoured God (Daniel 5).
A third king was in rule now, and again for the third time, Daniel had a highly ranked position in the kingdom. And because of his position, some searched for a fault to bring him down. But no fault could be found, so they went after his dedication to God. They enforced a law that whosoever prayed to any other God except the king shall be thrown in a den of lions. Daniel, even after knowing of this law, he continued to pray to God just as he did before. Daniel demonstrated that he chose to trust and obey God no matter the consequences. They threw Daniel in the lion’s den, but God recused Daniel from the lions. This event brought more glory to God and the king told his people to fear the God of Daniel (Daniel 6).
Daniel’s Compassion
Daniel knew the word of God, and according to Jeremiah, the people of God was experiencing his judgement. Daniel prayed and interceded for the people of God. Daniel prayed because he cared for God’s people and asked for mercy (Daniel 9:3-19). Then Gabriel came to give Daniel understanding. He said that Daniel was greatly loved by God (Daniel 9:23; Daniel 10:11).
Daniel set his heart to understand God, humbled himself before God, was obedient to God, and he was rewarded greatly (Daniel 10:12). God revealed many future revelations to Daniel. Daniel was indeed an instrument of God who was used by God because of his dedication to serving God.
- Daniel was faithful to God, regardless of the consequences.
- Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah chose to die rather than to dishonour God.
- They choose to eat according to God’s law.
- They refused to bow to any other God.
- God delivered them each time (From fire, lions, and kings).
- Daniel gave all the Glory to God for his ability.
- Daniel was promoted to high ranks because of God’s favour.
- Daniel continued to be an instrument of God and wanted no reward.
- Daniel interceded for God’s people.
- Daniel served God, and he was greatly loved by God.
- Daniel humbled himself to God, and God revealed many future prophesies to Daniel.

8 thoughts on “The Faith of Daniel & the Hebrew Boys”
I love your ability to package Biblical truth is easy to swallow sizes. To observe the challenges brought to the fore and the personalization you employ by pointed asking the reader; can or would you…..?
Keep up the good work.
Thanks so much
I totally agree with you Pas.
Thank you Vani for this blog. It’s a reminder that we can choose to serve God faithfully wherever He has positioned us.
Continue to be a light where you are.
Thank you for the encouragement. Appreciate it. And thanks for reading.
The story has a powerful meaning. It means no matter the consequences have faith in God . From Naalri
Thanks Naalri, for reading and for your comment.
Terrific blog!