Through the Waters
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you.. – Isaiah 43:2
I have been learning that the Bible is meant to be read over and over and over again for our entire lifetime. I have also learnt that as we read and meditate on the word, we begin to see many common patterns arise. These common patterns have a purpose, something that the Holy Spirit is pointing us to. These common patterns also remind me that the Bible is not just a set of stories that some men put together, but it is a planned, intelligently designed piece of work put together where every book, chapter, verse and word has intentional meaning. This testifies to me that the Bible is the true and living word of God. In this article, I would like to trace one such common pattern which I will refer to as “through the waters”. I will look at three instances of this pattern.
In the very beginning, God controlled the waters and created a paradise for man. He separated the waters and contained it to form the heavens and earth for us. (Genesis 1:6; Genesis 1:9-10). God is the one that protects us from the waters. He once opened the windows of heaven for these waters to flood the earth but closed it again (Genesis 7:11; Genesis 8:2). He protects us every moment from the waters. The Bible says that when the waters of the deep saw God, it trembled (Psalm 77:16).

The Flood
The Bible gives us the narrative of Noah (Genesis 5:32-10:1). It tells us that in Noah’s time that the wickedness in humans had become great. Every thought of men was only evil. It tells us that God’s heart was troubled by this, and He decided to wipe men off the face of the earth. But, thankfully for mankind, Noah found favour in God’s eyes. He was righteous, blameless and walked faithfully with God. So, God told Noah about His plan to get rid of evil and how He was going to save Noah and his family. He told Noah to build an ark, which would save them from the flood.
I always stop at this point to consider my faith. To consider whether or not I would be able to have faith in God’s guidance, especially when He is asking me to do such an extraordinary thing. But clearly, this is a reminder that we must have faith in God no matter how it looks. Sometimes God calls us to do things that are different, strange and make us uncomfortable, but we need to hold on to the anchor of it all. The anchor that we know who our God is, and we know His plan is greater than what we can see. And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Such an awesome lesson. Let us learn from His word before we have to learn it the hard way.
So, Noah was obedient, and he built the ark. He and his family went into it when it was time. The floods came, and Noah and his family remained safe.
So, God brought his people through the waters safely on the other side.

The Red Sea
The people of Israel were enslaved by the Egyptians, and The Lord heard their cry. So, He sent Moses to bring the people out of Egypt (Exodus 3:7-10). After many trials, the people of Israel left Egypt and headed towards the Red Sea (Exodus 13:18). Pharaoh and his army with 600 chariots were coming after them (Exodus 14:5-7). But God had an amazing plan to free the people from the Egyptians for good. The people of Israel saw the army coming after them, and they were afraid, and they cried out to the Lord (Exodus 14: 10). And Moses reassured them to fear not that they would see the salvation of the Lord. He told them that the Lord will fight for them, that they only have to be silent (Exodus 14:13-14).
So at this point, the people were between the Egyptian army and the red sea. Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord divided the waters and made the sea dry land so that the people could cross. And the people of Israel crossed over. And the Egyptians followed after them (Exodus 14:21-23). After all of the Israelites crossed over, the Lord released the waters, and it covered the whole Egyptian army. The Bible tells us that not one of them remained (Exodus 14:26-29).
And so, God brought his people through the waters safely on the other side.

Water Baptism
Noah and his family went through the waters and came out on the other side safely because they trusted God and His guidance. Moses and the Israelites also went through the waters and came out safely on the other side because of their obedience. The Lord dried up the deep waters and made the depths of the sea a way for the redeemed to pass over (Isaiah 51:10).
In 1 Peter 3, Peter tells us that just as in the days of Noah, eight persons were brought safely through the water, that baptism corresponds to this. That baptism saves you by appealing to God through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 3:20-21). Therefore, water baptism has become the way for the redeemed to pass over into safety.
Below is a table showing the similarities of both the Noah narrative and baptism. These are just a few of the things that I have noticed, but I know the longer we look at it, the more we will discover.

Hence, when we are obedient to God, and we accept His gift of salvation, we too just as Noah, his family and the Israelites will be saved through the waters.
To me, what this shows firstly is the great power of God and His mercy towards His people. He hears our cries; he makes a way for us to be redeemed. And secondly, this pattern shows a tremendously intelligent design of the Bible, confirming that this plan was weaved, every intricate part of it, by an intelligent person, so much more than any man could ever do. This shows us how even an old narrative such as Noah and Exodus can point to the ultimate plan of it all, salvation, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thirdly this adds to the significance of baptism even more. It represents salvation, trust, obedience and a new man.
And so, God brought His people through the waters safely on the other side, and He will also bring you through. The entire Bible points to Jesus. Accept Him today if you have not already and be baptized and come through the waters safely.

All photos were taken by Kyle or Vani. These photos are from the many adventures we have been blessed to experience together. We are so grateful for every blessing from God. No filters were used nor were the photos edited except for an occasional crop. We hope you enjoy.
8 thoughts on “Through the Waters”
Great job !
Thanks much
I really enjoyed it tremendously. Thank you
You are welcome
You know God always has a remnant who will be faithful to Him. As He tries and purifies us through the waters and thru the floods, may we come forth as gold.
Thank you Vani for this important reminder.
Amen and thank you.
Isaiah 43 is one of my favorite passages of scripture, so when I saw it at the beginning of this blog I became excited.
The parallels you drew, the comparisons highlighted and especially the significance of baptism demonstrated, Wow. You’ve been able to zero in the idea of God deliberately at work by observing his signature stamp through history. Indeed on of the imperial evidence of the existence of a serial anybody is repetition. God has clearly shown us through the issue of delivering “through the waters” that he is at work, therefore that he is real.
Thank You Vani
Thanks so much for this comment.