Trust God
He called Us to Trust Him
The first thing that God asked of man required him to trust. In the beginning, God created the world and everything in it. God told them that they should not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He even told them why (Genesis 1:16-17). But they did not listen to God and their actions reflected how much they did not trust God’s word.
Many times, we do the same. God tells us not to do that, and that’s precisely what we choose to do. We often want to choose our own way. We do not follow Him wholeheartedly. By doing this, we say we do not trust Him. We do not trust that He wants the best for us. We do not trust that He knows everything and will make the best decision for us. We think so little of Him that we feel our way is better. If we believe that He is the God that created us and all things, how can we think that we know better than Him.

God is Great
The Bible affirms that He is God of gods, a great, mighty and awesome God (Deuteronomy 10:17). David testifies that there is none like Him, and no other god can measure up to Him (2 Samuel 7:22). Job proclaims, even in his great suffering, that God is great, and that we cannot understand His depths (Job 36:26). So many Psalms proclaim how great God is (Psalm 86:10; Psalm 95:3; Psalm 104:1). God is great, and He wants good for us.
God wants Good for Us
The Bible also reminds us that God has our best interest at heart. He says in His word that He has plans for our welfare (peace, completeness, safety, prosperity, health, contentment) and not for evil (wickedness, mischief, trouble, adversity, hurt), to give us a future and hope (Jeremiah 29:11). God is love (1 John 4:8). God loves us so much that He gave His only son to die so that we could be saved from eternal suffering (John 3:16). Love is patient, kind, not boasting, not arrogant, not resentful, rejoices in truth, it bears all things and endures all things (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). And this is a sample of how God feels about us. He loves us without condition and in truth. He runs after us even when we do not deserve it. He does not give up on us. He continues to bless even when we do not deserve it. Just as He blessed Abraham and Jacob even when they did not deserve it, He blesses us. He is faithful (Deuteronomy 7:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:3). So, this is a reminder to me and hopefully to you to trust Him. So, trust that He has our best interest at heart and that He will always do good by us. Let us trust Him wholeheartedly even when we do not understand why. He still calls us to trust Him every day, be obedient to His word, and follow Him even when it is hard.
Are we willing to prove that we trust Him and be obedient to His word?
The Lord is with us; He saves us, He rejoices over us with gladness,He quiets us with His love, He exalts over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17)
So let us trust Him!

All photos were taken by Kyle or Vani. These photos are from the many adventures we have been blessed to experience together. We are so grateful for every blessing from God. No filters were used nor were the photos edited except for an occasional crop. We hope you enjoy.
10 thoughts on “Trust God”
Who else in this world loves you this much? Who else in this world has your best interests at heart (and with pure motivations)?
Thanks for painting the picture of how the God of the Bible loves.
Thanks for your support, Dave.
Sometimes it’s so easy to want to control everything that we forget to trust God. Thanks for this Vani.
Thank you for your continued support
May God shower you with His bountiful blessings during 2021 Vani.
Continue to let Him lead you to encourage others.
Thank you so much for that blessing. Really appreciate it.
Sometimes we need to just sit back and appreciate how much God loves us and just trust him, but we’re to busy sometimes we miss the mark. Thanks for sharing God’s work and reminding us how much he loves us and how we must be faithful.
So welcome and thanks for your support.
I suppose with all that we can recall at times, it is still difficult if not impossible to recall what it was like when we were infants/toddlers, completely trusting our parents or elder siblings to take care of us.
I suppose if we can somehow shift our minds back to such times, we may get a glimpse into what it is like to Trust God.
Vani, keep up this work, it is priceless.
Thanks for your encouragement, always appreciated and needed.