Watch and Pray
Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come – Mark 13:33
In this bible study, I want to explore 1 Thessalonians 5, which speaks about the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord is the day that Christ shall return, and the bible tells us that it will be a great and terrible day (Joel 2:31). It tells us that those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered (Joel 2:32). But on that day, all those who do not accept the Lord shall be in grave danger (Malachi 4:1). It will be a day of trouble, distress, desolation, darkness, and God’s wrath (Zephaniah 1:14-18).
This topic is not only fitting because of these uncertain times that we have found ourselves in, but we should be thinking of this all the time. Even though the “Jesus is coming soon” message has been preached so much, it is the truth if we take heed or not.
The Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. It will come suddenly and unexpectedly. While others see peace and security, the destruction will come suddenly (1 Thessalonians 5:3; Luke 21:34; Mark 13:35-36).
But we are children of light, so we should be awake and watchful, being prepared for when it shall come (1 Thessalonians 5:5-6; Matthew 24:42; Romans 13:11-12). We, the children of God, know what to expect. Though we do not know when (Matthew 24:43), we know that He will return, and this should not be a surprise to us. Therefore, let us be intentionally watchful because we can get easily distracted with the cares of this life. Let us remember that this is a temporary abode and we should not be setting up permanent roots here in this world.

The Day of the Lord will be sudden like a trap. But it does not have to be a trap because God has told us all that we need to know to be ready. Jesus is the light, believe in Him, and you will be the sons of the light. And then you can be ready when He comes. But if we become negligent and unaware, when He returns, we are doomed (John 12:35-36). For those who have not yet accepted Jesus, there is no hope when the Day of the Lord comes. But right now, it is still not too late.
Others sleep, get drunk and remain in the darkness and therefore they will be caught off guard (1 Thessalonians 5:6-7). Be mindful that the bible has told us that just as it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be in the days of the son of man. Men were eating, drinking, and carrying on with the things of this world, and then the flood came and surprised them. Similarly, in the days of Lot when Sodom was destroyed, they were caught off guard (Luke 17:26-29). The bible tells us that those who get caught in this destruction will not be able to escape as labour pains come upon a pregnant woman (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

Let us be prepared with our faith in who God is and what He can do. Let us love God and love one another by demonstration. How do we love God? We love Him by knowing his word and living by it (John 14:21; John 14:15). We show others love by giving what is needed. For example, we can give our time, our finances, and our hearts. Let us also remember the hope in our salvation. God wants all to have salvation through Jesus Christ so that we all have a hope on that Day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:8; Isaiah 59:17).
Instructions while we wait:
(1 Thessalonians 5:11-22):
- Encourage one another and build each other up
- Respect those who work in the Lord
- Be at peace with everyone
- Encourage the fainthearted
- Help the weak
- Be patient with all
- Do not repay evil for evil
- Do good to all
- Rejoice always
- Pray without ceasing
- Give thanks in all circumstances
- Do not extinguish the Spirit of God in you
- Test (examine and discern) everything
- Abstain from all evil
- The Day of the Lord will be unexpected
- We will be delivered on that day if we have accepted Jesus as our Lord.
- If you have not accepted Jesus, you are in grave danger
- There is still time, accept him today
- Stay awake, Watch and Pray while we look out for it.

All photos by Kyle
7 thoughts on “Watch and Pray”
Wonderful article Vani..A great reminder of how we should be living.
Thank you
Amazingly and wonderfully expressed. The timing of this study is accurate and a most appropriate reminder of where we are in history. I look forward to your next piece. Keep up the excellent work Vani.
Thanks so much
Thanks Vani for this study. Great reminder of how we should live and be ready for when the Lord comes for he is going to come. My people there is still time to be on board. Hurry up!
Thanks Vani for this study. Great reminder of how we should live and be ready for when the Lord comes for he is going to come. My people there is still time to be on board. Hurry up!
Such a timely and appropriate message Vani. As believers we cannot be caught off guard.